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Membership Party
Yes on 1B
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BMA Membership Party

Wed Oct 20th @ the Draft House from 5-9pm


Get ready to do some mingling at the annual BMA membership party! It's time to have some fun and participate in BMA's Board of Directors elections. Let's celebrate another productive year and look forward to new opportunities on the horizon. Interested in serving on the BMA board of directors? Hit reply and let us know ASAP! 

Celebrate the Dirty Bismarck:
Vote YES ON 1B & Support Boulder County Open Space
On Thursday October 14th Boulder County Parks and Open Space will open up another critical link for the Dirty Bismarck off-road recreational loop. This is another example of why you should support the county open space program and VOTE YES ON 1B Marshall Valley to Marshall Mesa to Cowdrey Draw to the new Mayhoffer-Singletree trail to a soon-to-be-built connector to Coalton to High Plains to Greenbelt Plateau to Community Ditch to Coal Seam. This will make an all dirt loop mirroring the route of the Morgul-Bismarck Loop of the Coors International Bicycle Classic from the 1980s. THIS WILL BE AN AWESOME 4-SEASON LOOP TRAIL!
In the past few years, Boulder County Open Space has built miles of awesome trail that can be experienced on two wheels. Picture Rock, Wild Turkey, new trails soon-to-open at Betasso. There are more opportunities on the horizon. That's why BMA supports ballot issue 1B and Boulder County Parks and Open Space. The most important thing you can do to support BMA's closest partner in building world-class single track is to spread the word (and of course VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!). Cut and paste the following paragraph into an email and educate your friends and colleagues: 
You should vote yes on ballot issue 1B this year. You love biking in Boulder County. You enjoy Hall Ranch, Heil Valley Ranch, Walker Ranch, and Betasso Preserve. This is what open space gets you. A vote for 1B will get you more trails - including another Hall Ranch sized recreational open space park and the possibility of connecting existing parks like the Picture Rock Trail did for Hall and Heil. Some of the best, last private property in the County is up for sale. If we don't buy it now, private developers will. And they won't build biking trails, organic farms, or wildlife corridors. Please spread the word. Vote YES ON 1B and support open space, recreation, our economy, ecosystems, and wildlife. For more info check out

Valmont Update


Thank for your patience during the design, development and construction of Valmont Bike Park. BMA has been working in tandem with the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department, and we are very excited about what is right around the corner. Your generosity has made a large impact, and we sincerely thank you for the above and beyond donations.


The Parks Department, as the landowner, is working tirelessly to get the project done within budget, and as soon as possible. I am sure you will be disappointed the park is not opening this fall, but the wait will be well worth it. We cannot commend the Park Department enough on their work. There are many layers of complexities in the construction, and they have met the challenges well. We are grateful for their efforts. Please read the statement they issued below for the status and opening dates.


BMA would like to address an issue that has negatively impacted an already tight construction schedule and budget. Numerous incidents of poaching (trespassing) have occurred, and the ramifications are causing delays, damage, increased costs, and stressing our relationship with the Parks Department. The trails ARE NOT READY TO RIDE, and riding them is requiring the contractors to repair them first, before they can finish them. So it is not harmless poaching, it is causing damage and delays. We cannot emphasize this enough.


Current Project Status


Approximately 50% of the bike park features have been roughed in or completed. Many additional features and elements need to be added or completed before the park can be opened.


Please Note: The bike park site is currently CLOSED to all non-construction access. Entering this site at anytime is trespassing and violators will be ticketed. Many of the park features are not complete and riders attempting to access the park risk personal

injury and damage to the trails, increasing construction delays and resulting in diverting limited funds from park features to repair damages.


Bike Park Improvements Currently Underway

  • constructing terrain park features
  • constructing restroom facilities
  • installing irrigation, landscaping and erosion controls
  • grass seed establishment
  • obtaining easements, engineering and constructing bridges across irrigation ditches
  • improving parking lots
  • developing trail maintenance standards and agreements
  • developing and installing safety and information signs


Projected Bike Park Opening: Spring 2011 (contingent upon weather)


Again, please DO NOT ENTER or attempt to ride the park until it is opened for public use. We sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation as we enter the final months of bike park construction.

 BMA Mixer

October 17th


The next BMA MIXER will be Sunday October 17th. We will meet at the Southern Sun Brewery at 12pm.  The ride will leave from the Southern Sun and head to Marshall Mesa Trail Head.  After Marshall Mesa we'll head back to the Southern Sun for food and drink. If you are short on time you can meet us at the Marshall Mesa Trail Head for the ride.  We should be at the Trail Head at 12:30, but it's a group ride so we could be a couple minutes late.  If you can't make the ride, come meet us at the Southern Sun to plan your next one.  We will be returning to the Southern Sun at approximately 3pm.  

If the weather turns bad we still meet at the Southern Sun at 12pm for food and drink.

This is a fun, no drop ride.  If we have some fast riders, we will make a fast group. The trails are all beginner to intermediate, no advanced or expert riding, but it's still fast and fun! All riders must have a working bike, helmet, jacket, and water.

Thank You!

New & Continuing Members
Stephen Angus
Joseph Esch
Mona Rosene
Mark Eller
Katherine ONeill
Seth Smekal
Peter Jansky
Brian Collins
Cassandra DePizzol
Frank Weil
Laurie MizenerToby Trujillo
Morgan Newlon
James Speed
Paul Poisson
Matthew Kelley
David Stokes
Brian Strickland
Greg Daughtry
Philip Schreiber
Bridget Dyer
Allison Tillack
Eric Zacharias
Joshua Martinsons
Nicholas Legan
Cheryl Wallace
Elizabeth Pike
Andrew Shoemaker
Joseph Mello
Ben Greenwood
Matthew Pufall
David Giffin
Mark Miller
Jared Berg
Piet Sawvel
Ben Burdette
Neil Popovich
Timothy Carlin
Kristine Holland
Mark Tomusiak
Kayce Wohlman
Patrick Stein
Shannon Cox Baker
Chad Baker
Shaun McGrath

There's a ton more members to add! Join or renew today! 

Are you interested in Better Trails for Boulder County?  Then consider joining the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance and be part of the solution!  We have memberships starting for as little as $30.  Please click here to be taken to our web site membership section to learn how you can join.